Impacting the lives of those who served, and continue to serve in a supporting role as a veteran, family member or survivor…

The Warrior Trail Foundation provides resources to support the 1% of our nation that volunteered to protect and defend. Veterans and their family members continue to fight every day to maximize their life and manage the challenges of loss of community, survivors guilt, physical disability, PTSD, or any number of other issues from their years of service to our nation. A 2023 Veterans Affairs sanctioned study revealed that 16% of all veterans reported non-suicidal self-injury behavior. this rate is three times higher than the non-veteran population. This is on top of the approximate 22 veteran suicides a day. We believe that we can change this statistic and are committed to doing so.

Our programs are specifically designed to employ trail running and fast-packing as a form of recreational therapy. To enhance the chance of success of this transformational journey, the foundation provides coaching, mental health services and personal connections that are critical in building resilience.

Founded by a Combat Veteran with PTSD who discovered the benefits of trail running as part of the solution. Supported by research. It’s proven, it’s fun, it’s challenging, and it will change the way our warriors see themselves and their future.